LS22 Deutz Fahr Series 7 Pack v1.2
LS22 Deutz Fahr Series 7 Pack v1.2
Deutz Fahr Series 7 Pack title change
Added the Deutz Series 7 FS 22
Main color / Seat color / Tire color / Interior color choice
Build fenders with and without Christmas tree in the interior
It’s finally time, the Deutz Fahr Series 7 from the LS 17 and 19s is now finished.
It took a little while to finish, but now everything is as it should be,
Log also do not show any errors and is therefore clean to gamble and wish you all a lot of fun with it.
Contents Mod Deutz Series 7 old (LS 19 Deutz)
All buttons on the vehicle are now illuminated.
You have all the round lights available in the game.
Deutz logo on the front is illuminated.
Attachments: Option
All-round mounting option
Identity available
Contents Mod Deutz Series 7 (LS 22 Deutz)
Deutz logo in front is illuminated in 3 color choices
Anbauteile Option
Build fenders with and without Christmas tree in the interior
Attachments: Option Deutz Series 7 old (LS19 Deutz)
Without attachment / Side make-up / Funkgeraet + Horn / Worklights (worklight) / All worklights (all worklight) / All attachments with glass effect
Identity available
All-round mounting option:
Without RUL / With RUL 1 to 8
Attachments: Option Deutz Series 7 (LS22 Deutz)
Deutz logo in front is illuminated in 3 colors selection / funk
Build fenders with and without Christmas tree in the interior
Main color
Interior Color
Seat color
Tire color
Path behoben -> done
Logo removed on the rear window, was not intended for the com -> done
Deutz Serie 7 from the LS 22 added and thus a pack now of the old Deutz 7 and the new Deutz 7 from LS22