LS22 MultiOverlay Hud v4.11 Beta

LS 22 Other
LS22 MultiOverlay Hud v4.11 Beta

The MultiOverlayV4 Hud mod is designed to give you a quick informational overview of some important features of the game.

Version 4.11 Beta
fix Page select ProductionPoints (click a Production) Focus this
fix Page select Map Missions (click a Mission) Focus this
fix Schneiderei (tailors) not see
fix load/save FillTypes On/Off Global
new click Map Farmlands (Price)
new see Cmd over Object (needs open Cmd Groups) !only a Slot Cmds!
new Implements Cmd Output VehicleSales (Cmd Group OutputByMoh)
new Implements Paletts/Bales/Animals for FillTypes/Amount/Price
new Implements underGroups(Load Storages) for FillTypes/Amount/Price
new set Headline > Map Farmlands (User Wunsch)

In multiplayer and singleplayer play.

Quick Overview:
Animals, Greenhouses, Warehouses, Prices, Bga, Silos, Placeable Objects, Map Built Objects, map missions, map farmlands, and much more about PDAs and SLOTs
Please check the buglist first before reporting a bug or having problems with something.(HappyLooser#1790) (Discord)
View LS 22 KeySettings for MouseCursor On/Off (Default *F12* for all my mods) here
Tip: Mod MouseCursor is AutoDrive Compatible (AutoDrive MouseCursor not Mod Compatible)

A BIG THANK YOU also to all testers who have extensively tested the new version for bugs, (2 months)beziehungweisse the mod support. Trozdem it can still come to errors, because the range of functions and the very different maps / mods simply can not all be tested.

BugList for Current Version:Fix(next version) Test Not reproducible Info
File count per store item too high. 141 found (max. 128)  <ignore

No more, no less
And if you don’t like it you should just not load it
1.Release only with original download link. NO replacement link
2.Modifying as well as re-uploading is not allowed

Modell: HappyLooser Textur: HappyLooser Script: HappyLooser Idee / Konzept: HappyLooser

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