LS22 Farm Placeables Pack v1.0.0.0
LS22 Farm Placeables Pack v1.0.0.0
Farm Placeables Pack of eight buildings.
1 Bunker Building with 1 Silage area and two bulk dump areas
Cost: $250,000
Silage Area holds around 1,000,000 liters chaff
1 Cement Bunker
Cost: $100,000
Holds around 1,000,000 liters chaff
1 Large Storage Shed
Cost: $150,000
1 Medium Shed
Cost: $80,000
1 Small Bulk Storage Building
Cost: $50,000
1 Large Slurry Pit (2.5 Million Capacity)
Cost: $150,000
1 Large Manure Heap (5 Million Capacity)
Cost: $50,000
1 Vehicle Garage
Cost: $100,000