LS22 AutoDrive V2.0.1.2 + AutoDrive Course Editor V1.0.6

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LS22 AutoDrive V2.0.1.2 + AutoDrive Course Editor V1.0.6

This mod can be used to create a network of routes for vehicles to drive autonomously. Once setup you can tell a tractor that is standing anywhere close to the network to drive to any point, such as the shop, field 1 or to a sell point.

Release Latest
Bugfixes and improvements:
wrong status message after finishing a tour (distributed unloading) #853
“Fold Implements” setting is not displayed correctly in MP #850
after unloading in the bunker silo, AD waits for the hangers to close
HUD settings are not saved correctly in hosted MP #869
Reverse driving with several devices does not work #255, 897
during distributed loading/unloading the counter is reset in case of repair or refueling #693
consider seed/fertilizer tanks for loading
recognition of grass/grass swath as fruit (fruit bypass)
improvements in path finding/calculation on the field

UniversalAutoLoad (UAL):
Fruit/goods selection is not available in the AD-HUD pull-down list
charge and discharge fill level in % are not really determinable, because different sizes of charge objects lead to an unpredictable number of objects which can be charged (95/99/100% to charge completely, 0/10% to charge a little bit)
a full trailer is detected by UAL only if no other object in the loading area can be loaded onto the trailer
in the loading/unloading area both curtains will be open/closed (e.g. Krone Profi Liner)
does not work with trains (manual loading/unloading required)
requires at least UAL

Multiselect of fruits/goods:
multiple selection = hold CTRL + left click on desired list entries
delete entry from multiple selection = hold CTRL + left click on list entry to be deleted
deselection = left click on any unselected/not marked list entry
select all = hold ALT + left click on any list entry
deselect all = hold ALT + left click on any list entry
the icon in front of the list selection shows the status and you can change it by left-clicking (only when multiselect is active):

single fruit (white): only one fruit is selected
one small and one large fruit (blue): several fruits are selected and the fruit that is most present, e.g. in a silo, is always selected first
3 large fruits (blue): several fruits are selected and the fruits are rotated during each loading process

AutoDrive Course Editor Changelog:

Update to V1.0.6
Added: Preview while multi selecting, can see what nodes are selected while dragging the mouse

– Fixed inverted selection on grid snapping button.
– Fixed Cut/Copy/Paste not working due to non updated menu items.
– Fixed Cut/Copy/Paste buttons deselecting the current button.
– Fixed Rotation centre offset changing/control node jumping on Undo/Redo.
– Fixed crash due to missing entries in key (EditorConfig.xml)

– Removed redundant entries
– Added new entries

AutoDrive Course Editor

Java version greater than 13 is required. JRE or JDK are both possible.

The Editor works with configs generated by the FS19 + FS22 versions of the mod.

Start AutoDrive Course Editor
The editor can be started using the supplied CMD file: “Open Editor with Console to see errors.cmd”. The editor can also be started from the command line: java -jar -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m .AutoDriveEditor.Jar

The editor will create the log file autoDriveEditor.log, which is used for later troubleshooting. This file has a maximum size of 20MB. A maximum of 3 version files are then created.


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