LS25 New Zielonka v1.0.0.0

LS 25 Maps
LS25 New Zielonka v1.0.0.0

Self-built farm on the original Zielonka map

The residents of New Zielonka are deeply shocked. A farmer is said to have recently died in a tragic accident at work on his farm.
Machines, animals and the rest of the inventory have already been auctioned off because no one could take care of them. Now the city is looking for a new buyer for the medium-sized farm. It is one of the largest farms in the region and cannot simply be abandoned.

Get started on a beautiful, detailed farm that has lots of new technology and a large biogas plant. The city is giving you a starting capital of 3,000,000 euros to boost the economy in the region again!

Information about the save game:
This is a converted save game that I would like to share with you. I have the original save game on AgrarPlay and after about 30 hours of playing time I was finished with the conversion. Now I have reset everything so that you can start as you wish.
!!!Insert the ZIP file into an empty save game and start playing!!!

On the farm you will find the following: (See pictures)
1x BGA (PlanET)
1x grain mill
1x oil mill
1x sawmill
1x canning factory
1x biomass heating plant
1x farm kiosk
1x cowshed (dairy cattle)
1x pigsty
1x chicken coop
1x sheep barn
2x drive-in silo
1x farm silo
2x liquid manure storage
1x manure heap
3x vehicle halls & 1x bulk goods hall & much more

Required mods: PlanET Modular BGA


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