LS25 Drei Stühle V2.0.1.0
LS25 Drei Stühle V2.0.1.0
Three Chairs is a forest and grassland map set in the Black Forest. The idea to create this map came from a video from EU-Eble. Although the location exists in reality, the map is not recreated 1:1 – there are some adjustments. The elevation data is given with an accuracy of 30 meters. As a result, the streets are not exactly like they are in reality.
Tool from iwatkot.
Thanks to him and Discord users, the tool is sometimes accurate to within 1m. (Bavaria, France and more)
The map is extremely steep in many places, which makes it particularly challenging. About 80% of the region is actually covered with forest, and I have converted some of these areas into meadows. This means that these areas are entered as fields and can be processed by the AI, but there are INTENTIONALLY only grass missions, but you can plant all the fruits from the standard game, the growth calendar has not *yet* been adjusted.
You can of course add your own fields after you have removed the trees – however, as in the standard game, they are not managed by AI.
Forest and field plots can be purchased separately. All fields contain a small proportion of forest.
43 meadows with a total area of 92 hectares
52 forest areas with a total area of 404 hectares and approx. 44k trees. (You cannot plant new trees even though the limit has not been reached!)
Price: €20,000/ha
Start farm with cow and chicken coop as well as sufficient vehicles.
Sales stations and some productions
Wood and stone missions exist, but currently only a few
ALL buildings, decorations and productions can be sold completely.
The tar roads were not created with Blender because I don’t know the tool and don’t want to master it, but the map consists of 80% field and forest paths anyway. Giants, why isn’t there a built-in script tool?
If that bothers you, there’s the door!
However, the splines are laid out correctly so that all roads are recognized by the helper AI. Further tests and fine-tuning are still necessary, I recommend using tools such as Courseplay and Autodrive, which are indispensable in principle.
There may still be errors *because of beta*. Okay, enough rambling, the screenshots will take care of the rest.
Added collectibles (50×5000)
Fixed background warning
Replaced farmhouse
Added buildings as dependencies
Fixed pond
Added traffic
Increased probability and duration of rain in spring and autumn