Map Cultures Et Productions v3.0

LS 19 Maps
Map Cultures Et Productions v3.0

FS19 Cultures Et Productions V3 map multifruits Patch version:
Unzip the folder and put the zip files in your mods folder (map 669 MB, pack 929 MB and the FS19_GlobalCompany v1.1.0.0 as well as the 4 washers and the FS19_Storagebox_and_Turner)
Factory production facilities working with the FS19_GlobalCompany v1.1.0 .0 minimum.

Now you have 13 cultures, 72 factories and building function and sales
Productions: apple, pear, plum, cherry, kirches, wine, perry, cider, plum liqueur, boards, paddle, barrel, paper, cardboard, crate, pellets, flour, bread, beers, salt sugar, bread, cream, animal clothing, earth cloth, gravel, sand, compost, yogurt, butter … etc … etc

Greenhouse tomato, salad and organic pepper, to collect by hand with crates.
Organic apples, organic pear (the trees sprinkle with the rain and produce fruit.)
4 washable earth fruits
Adding character with discussions.
Additional sale.

Correction and adjustment of map and pack:
Addition of 6 organic greenhouses and fruit trees.
Addition of 4 vegetable washers (washed vegetables are more expensive)
Adjustment and repositioning of certain icons.
Adjustment and correction of pallets that could not be taken.
Adding and removing collisions.
Pallet storage building installations (manual)
Addition of three tanks to collect rainwater.
Replacement tank of the pack.
Correction and refinement of the PDA.
Replacement of factory and sales icons and adjustment of appearance points.
Added text on fill_types icons.
Journal translation: French, English, and German.
Addition of a sale for fertilizer, lime, diesel ….. Etc
Addition of various animation (characters with discussions)
Adjustment of certain spawn (point of appearances)
Readjustment of trigger entry, exit and sale.
Seasons ok

A big thank you to all the modelers for their creations.

FS19_Cultures_Et_Productions _V3 …. map multifruits Patch version:


Unzip the folder and put the zip files in your mods folder (map 669 MB, pack 929 MB and the FS19_GlobalCompany v1.1.0.0 as well as the 4 washers and the FS19_Storagebox_and_Turner)

Production plant installations operating with FS19_GlobalCompany v1.1.0.0 minimum.

Now you have 13 crops, 72 factories and function buildings and their sales
Production of: apples, pear, plum, cherry, kirches, wine, perry, cider, plum liqueur, boards, palette, barrel, paper, cardboard, case, pellets, flour, bread, beers, sugar salt, bread, cream, animal meat clothing, earth cloth, gravel, sand, compost, yogurt, butter ….. Etc … Etc

Greenhouse tomato, salad and organic pepper, to collect by hand with crates.
Organic apples, organic pear (trees water with rain and produce fruit.)
4 washable earth fruits
Addition of character with discussions.
Additional sale.

Correction and adjustment of map and pack:

Addition of 6 organic greenhouses and fruit trees.
Addition of 4 vegetable washers (washed vegetables are more expensive)
Adjust and reposition certain icons.
Adjustment and correction of pallets that could not be taken.
Adding and removing collisions.
Pallet storage building installations (manual)
Addition of three tanks to collect rainwater.
Replacement tank of the pack.
Correction and refinement of the PDA.
Replacement of factory and sales icons and adjustment of appearance points.
Added text on fill_types icons.
Journal translation: French, English, and German.
Addition of a sale for fertilizer, lime, diesel ….. Etc
Addition of various animation (characters with discussions)
Setting certain spawn (spawn point)
Readjustment of entry, exit and sale triggers.
Seasons ok

A big thank you to all the modelers for their creations.



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