FS 19 Building El Castillo Pyramid v1.0

FS 19 Building El Castillo Pyramid v1.0
Hi, and welcome back to BERRY (Yagodnoe) VILLAGE FS2019 MAP. In today video, I will try to build the El Castillo Pyramid as best as it passable in Farming Simulator 2019. The base of the pyramid I create with the LS2019 Landscaping tools. The construction of the Temple was the main challenge. I had to use wrapt bales and cotton bales and placeable objects MW PLACEABLE YARD PACK.
For the silage bales, I am using tractor JOHN DEERE 8030 SERIES, Pöttinger Novacat Duo Mower and KUHN DIRECT SQUARE SILAGE BALER by GameMods. Now as far as cotton bales go. First, I had to grow it. So I used tractor JOHN DEERE 9RT and planter with fertilizer and cultivator options JOHN DEERE DB60 24 ROW. For bale transportation trucks 2018 GMC 3500 DENALI, FS19 KENWORTH 100 and trailers KOGEL and Cotton Bale Loader with autoloading option.
To do a job easy, I also have LIFT HEAVY LOADS.