FS 19 Custom SoundTemplate v1.2

LS 19 Other
FS 19 Custom SoundTemplate v1.2

Moin people

Since I did not like the Vollgassound in the new LS 19 and I had no desire to customize the Soundxml for all the Trecker I use in the game with my settings individually, I’ve rumgepfuscht a bit at the soundTemplates.xml. The sound is regulated similarly as in the LS 17, so that the engine sound again increases depending on the speed when driving. It may not be perfect and may not fit all tractors equally well. But it is not so annoying anymore.

Since I’ve been there before, I also equal the volume in the interior and the exterior adapted, which was a little too quiet. In the interior view in the tractor, when cultivating e.g. hear the cultivator, plug or mower again. The damping in the cabin was also reduced slightly.

The archive also contains the old surface sound from the LS 17.

Important before you make a backup of the files you replaced!

Copy the SoundTemplates.xml into the directory “C: Program Files (x86) Farming Simulator 19 data sounds” or ” Program Files (x86) Steam SteamLibrary steamapps common Farming Simulator 19 data sounds ”

Make sure you also copy the sound files in the folder “Surfaces” to “… sounds vehicles surfaces”, because my SoundTemplate.xml is adapted to these files.

There is an alternative soundTemplates.xml in the folder SoundTemplateForVCA_user. It has the original engine sound settings of LS19, but the rest is just like the other sound templates. It is specially designed for those who want to drive with the gearbox settings from the Mogli12 VehicleControlAddon. Or for those who are satisfied with the original engine sound settings and just want it a bit louder and more audible.

Changes in version 1.1:
Sound bug fixed on John Deere 8R Series
Fine tuning the load sound

Changes in version 1.2:
– Volume of horns and worksound of potato and turnip crops

The 2 templates work with patch 1.2 and 1.3 beta and also with patch 1.3.

Have fun trying it out.
The bastard


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