LS 19 Icecafé v1.2
LS 19 Icecafé v1.2
Here is an ice cream parlor where you can get your harvest sell and buy in after a long time of hard work can treat yourself to delicious ice cream.
Added ice cream van without sales station.
Now more products can be sold.
Seasons ready!
Small changes
Added ice cream parlor
French translation added
File cleaned up
It is included:
An ice cream parlor as a sales station,
an ice cream parlor without a sales station and
a sales station with an ice cream truck.
Ice cream parlor with sales station:
Price: 100,000 €
Maintenance: 5 €
Ice cream parlor without sales station:
Price: 75000 €
Maintenance: 3 €
Sales station with ice cream truck:
Price: 5000 €
Maintenance: 1 €
Ice cream parlor Silo:
Price: 150,000 €
Maintenance: 10 €
You can find all objects in the store category