LS 19 Other

AIVehicleExtension is an alternative employee who can work with fields of any form. It has some additional features, such as a circular mode of operation and support for different types of U-turns.

This mod is automatically installed in all vehicles if they already support a regular employee. An exception is the articulated frame technique.

When this alternative assistant is launched, it briefly scans the field on which the equipment is located. But an alternative employee has only a slight idea of ​​where he is on the field. For this, the mod ‘looks’, starting from the current position, at the borders between the untouched and the already processed area.

On beautiful rectangular fields with a lot of free space around you can use an ordinary employee. If you want to follow a specific path on the field, I recommend using CoursePlay. The FollowMe mod is also great for simple tasks. I have these two mods along with AIVehicleExtension in my mods folder.

The main control keys:
* H: Start or stop an employee
* Left Ctrl + H: Open the settings dialog
* Left Shift + H: Open Control Panel
* Left Alt + H: On / Off auto taxi
* Left Alt + V: Raise or lower all equipment
* Left Alt + 5: Switch to circular mode
* Left Alt + 6: Change the working side


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