LS19 Irgendwo in Thuringen 2 v1.0.0.0
LS19 Irgendwo in Thuringen 2 v1.0.0.0
Welcome to Thuringia,
Here is my new map for the LS19. This time it is a 4-fold map. Based on Google maps and elevation model was created. The landscape reflects a real area.
Short and sweet:
– High model, fields, forest and roads created by google earth
– 121 buyable parcels
# 60 fields from small to large
# 40Wälder
# 5 Courtyards 4 with BGA
# 16 meadows
-Three little villages
-KI traffic (Does not take him the right of way)
-2 purchase for fertilizer, seeds, lime
-3 lakes for water extraction
-Houses already have halls and silos.
Have fun playing.