LS19 Seasons 19 – Vehicles
LS19 Seasons 19 – Vehicles
The maintenance system of Farming Simulator 19 has been adjusted to fit better with the Seasons gameplay.
Repairing a vehicle now needs to be done every 20 operating hours. The repair prices have been changed to fit better. The longer you wait with repairs the more it will cost.
Repairing does not repaint the vehicle, you will need to do that separately at the shop. It’s cost depends on the size and complexity of the vehicle.
When it snows, trailers will fill up with snow unless it is covered. It can be covered either with a cover, or by a building. You’ll need to remove the snow before you can use the trailer.
Snow will cause your tractor to lose traction so be careful when venturing out as you may not be able to climb up that hill again.