LS19 T150 MixerUAL AWS v1.0

LS 19 Vehicles
LS19 T150 MixerUAL AWS v1.0

This is a recently refurbished modification that took a long time to work, so there is no internet equivalent.
Accepts feed: hay, silage, sugar beets, grass, etc.
Created new animations: rotating knives, drum and chopping mechanism for mixing.
Replaced main headlights: when the main beam is turned on, the headlights are on, but illuminate the entire device.
Accepts feed for mixing, but does not have a trigger for the filling mechanism.
Drives neat, drives.
Incomplete light mechanism, so which bulbs either work or do not work. Turns and brake lights don’t work either.
Modification reworked from FS17, so much has been written just new.
There are no errors in the log file, so the modification works correctly in multi-user mode.

Vyciokazz (Lithuania)

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