LS2019 Animal Species v1.0

LS2019 Animal Species v1.0
Instead of looking for having 10 000 animals per husbandry, this mod will satisfy you !
This mod will replace your basic animal livestock !
You can still buy animal who eat & produce for 1 but others allow you to produce a lot more milk/pallets , OR manure & liquid Manure ! But they will eat as much as they produce ! You are warned ! 😀 (but they wont spit food spillage in consequence, untouched)
Do you think you are ready for a 30 000 cows husbandry ? (i saw and i can say you… NO ! You are not ! 😀 )
Future Versions : E-Sport compatible (i am myself the old aT-Valhalla on Warcraft 3, sponsored by Intel Inside with armaTeam ), also separated version for different kind of animals (when i will find the tip to create new animals subtypes lol !)
Full Animal Pack. This mod modify the original buyable animals to be more different, eat & produce more depending the species you buy.
ALSO Pigs : Now they produce nearly same amount as cows, giving them a real purpose > feed your fields !
About other animals it keep a standard increase in difficulty. x5 = This animal EAT & PRODUCE as much as 5 of his vanilla coworkers. Look into your local Animal Dealer