LS2019 CoursePlay Beta v6.00.00033

LS2019 CoursePlay Beta v6.00.00033
Courseplay Six Beta mod for Farming Simulator 19 game.
Developer version
Please be aware you’re using a developer version, which may and will contain errors, bugs, mistakes and unfinished code. Chances are you computer will explode when using it. Twice. If you have no idea what “beta”, “alpha”, or “developer” means and entails, steer clear. The Courseplay team will not take any responsibility for crop destroyed, savegames deleted or baby pandas killed.
You have been warned.
If you’re still ok with this, please remember to post possible issues that you find in the developer version. That’s the only way we can find sources of error and fix them.
In general, controlling Courseplay works with the mouse, due to free keys in Farming Simulator being rather rare. By using the right mouse button the Courseplay hud, where you can configure the drivers, is activated. In addition, a couple of functions like starting and stopping the driving are available for the keyboard, by using the keys CTRL+KP 7 through CTRL+KP 9. In the hud you can switch the opening/closing the hud to using the keyboard (default: CTRL+DELETE).
Both the keyboard and the mouse buttons can be configured in the game’s options menu.
How to download and install COURSEPLAY video:
Installing the released version:
Copy the archive file to your mods folder. That’s all, folks!
The mods folder is located at:
Windows (7 and above):
C:Users[USER NAME]My DocumentsMyGamesFarmingSimulator2019mods
Mac OS X (Download/DVD/Steam-Version):
/Users/[USER NAME]/Library/Application Support/FarmingSimulator2019
Mac OS X (X 10.7 and above):
/Users/[USER NAME]/Library/Containers/com.focus-home.farmingsim2019/Data/Library/Application Support/FarmingSimulator2019
First be sure you have the latest patch: Farming Simulator 19 Update
We got information that other mods can be an issue why CoursePlay is not working.
If you have installed a lot of mods in your mods directory and CoursePlay doesn’t work for you, the fastest why to find out is:
- Disable or temporarily remove all mods from Farming Simulator 19 mods folder and try again.
- If Courseplay works, just start to add each mod one by one and find which mods make an issue.
We have created a LIST of mods which doesn’t work with Courseplay:
– John Deer STS Series Version:2.0 (thanks for Carl W Popejoy)
– Lizard Transport Pack mod (thanks for Carl W Popejoy)
– STS Serie and the 8r us version (thanks for douka)
So if you have any of mods from this list, you need to remove.
Have you found more mods which doesn’t work with Courseplay?
Write in comment bellow and we will add it to the list!