LS2019 Ebelsbach (Project17) v1.0
LS2019 Ebelsbach (Project17) v1.0
Starts the map in the game mode “New Farmer” So Simple.
This has to do with that because the Ebelsbach fixed multiplayer courts has already given 🙂
But in order to be able to use all courts in the singleplayer you have to start it as stated above on “New Farmer”.
In the game you can then change the difficulty level under Game Settings.
Why am I telling you all this?
I just do not want it then it means you “buggers” or other .. The map was built in Ls17 to 80% the rest in the 19ener so I needed a solution .. And here she is please understand it and have fun with the map if she comes, I do not want any more!