LS2019 Farmall 806/706 v1.0

LS2019 Farmall 806/706 v1.0
~ Flat top guards, Round guards, Rops, Rops with Top, Hiniker and ICB cab
~ Front Weight options
~ Singles with and without wheel weights, Duals with and without wheel weights. Michelin Singles and Dual setups and a plough dual setup.
~ IH 2350 Front loader option
~ Stock pipe with rain cap or curved chrome pipe
I have also added in some of the new features that FS19 has to offer like seat suspension, working brake and throttles, Hydraulic and trailer plugs on the rear of the tractor. It also includes a moving tachometer needle. This machine has been tested on Chisel ploughs, discs, spreaders etc to make sure it can pull fine and not lift up at the front when weight is put on the back. There still might be some small errors and I would appreciate if you guy would tell me in the comments but otherwise enjoy this and happy farming!