LS2019 Peasantville 2 16X Multifruit V3.4 Final

LS2019 Peasantville 2 16X Multifruit V3.4 Final
Custom Soil Map and Nitrogen Requirements for Custom Fruit Types added
Custom FS19 precision Farming mod “ ishara scout soil sampler”
Only changes is to the ishara scout soil sampler, Increased to 100.5 radius feet, (was 32.5 feet). (if you do not want to use the ishara scout soil sampler, Increased to 100.5 radius feet do not add the included FS19_precisionFarming mod, Use Giants Version.)
New multi fruit harvesters
CaseIH635, cotton harvester, makes tobacco and hemp bales (autoload trailer works with cotton bale) travel speed 50Klm/hr, working speed 30Klm/hr
Panther2 with header and header trailer, lettuce, cabbage etc, multiple capacity choices, travel speed 50Klm/hr, working speed 30Klm/hr
Varitron470, lettuce, cabbage etc, multiple capacity choices, travel speed 50Klm/hr
Ropa Multifruit, all fruit types.
6 Pre built farms – farmlands must be purchased, all farm building sellable.
6 Bio Gas Plants.
37 Sell Locations.
68 Fields assorted sizes, some flat, some not.
3 Cities, 1 Town.
Massive underground highway system.
ReadMe and all required files included in 1 zip file ***Important read the readme file***