LS2019 R. D.C. V1.4

LS2019 R. D.C. V1.4
Informative note:
After the fall and a harsh winter, spring has finally arrived (late) and with it great changes that a new game requires.
With the arrival of spring R.D.C comes alive.
You will find a completely spring landscape, herbs, plants (flowers) and shrubs populate the entire map.
You will be able to observe birds of prey gliding the sky, ducks and golden fish give life to the reservoirs and lakes.
The chimneys of the town houses and factories, expel smoke giving even more life to the environment.
In the merchants, you will be able to observe golden statues that indicate what type of livestock (Animal) they work.
You will come across golden statues scattered across the map.
R.D.C is translated into: English, Spanish, German, French and Italian.
If you like R.D.C and its characteristics, and you want me to translate it into your language. Discuss it in the official forum of Farming simulator.
– Spring has arrived!
– In terrain edition mode the textures have been changed compared to the spring season.
– Now with the textures, you can paint grass, plants (flowers), shrubs and forest bushes.
– Touch-ups throughout the map: Repainting of grass, plants (flowers) and shrubs.
– Created new land.
– Changes in buildings and in various areas.
– Created new points of sale.
– Reworked new crops.
– Added pasture cultivation.
This replaces the grass, differentiating it from the grass of the rest of the map. As one more crop.
– Barley has been modified and now has its own straw and bale.
– The grass, plants (Flowers), shrubs and forest bushes on the map can be cut or chopped with a direct head and will regrow.
– Oil Radish and Sugar Cane have been removed from the map.
Livestock (Animals):
– Changes in the stables.
– Changes in races.
– Changes in diet.
– Changes in conditions.
– Changes in production.
– Changes in transportation.
– New breed of pig.
– New horse breeding system. Purebred horses.
– Adjusted all the modifications included from the first versions.
– The images of all the modifications have been changed. Now they are perfect.
New modifications:
– Spring.
– Mod: Trailer tank R.D.C.
– Mod: Trailer to transport chickens.
– Mod: Trailer to transport new breed of pig and horses of the new system.
– Mod: Field of olive trees.
– Mod: Field of orange trees.
– Mod: Apple field.
– Mod: Iberian pastureland for the breeding of the new breed of pig.
– Mod: Short and long wall of Iberian pasture. So that you develop the enclosure as you want.
– Mod: Oak tree as a decoration object.
– Mod: R.D.C tree as a decoration object.
– Mod: Medium metal gate.
– Spring: More days of rain than sun and cloudy.
– The rain has been configured to look more real.
– The rainy days will last between 5 hours and a maximum of 10 hours of the game.
– Modified the PDA.
– Change the sampling rate of sounds to 44100 Hz.
– Added the sounds of the first versions and new sounds.
– Not compatible with Seasons.
– The version (Summer), will arrive soon to be on par with real life and with more content.