LS2019 Timbered Farmpack v1.0.0.5
LS2019 Timbered Farmpack v1.0.0.5
A simple building pack to place your own yard.
The building pack includes:
Cowshed for 100 cows:
Price: 140,000 €
Daily maintenance: 60 €
Pigsty for 60 pigs:
Price: 70,000 €
Daily maintenance: 45 €
Sheepfold for 50 sheeps:
Price: 55000 €
Daily maintenance: 40 €
Horse stable for 4 horses:
Price: 50,000 €
Daily maintenance: 30 €
Residential house with sleep trigger and 2 garages:
Price: 75000 €
Daily maintenance: 25 €
Large garage and 3 open shelters:
Price: 24,200 € to 55,000 €
Daily maintenance: 15 € to 25 €
Farm silo multifruit:
Price: 85000 €
Daily maintenance: 45 €
The buildings are all automatically lit and
can be freely placed individually.
All buildings are Seasons ready.
Newly added buildings:
Cowshed without pasture for 100 cows:
Price: 95000 €
Daily maintenance:45 €
Trigger for the double gate: lower gate on the right, upper gate on the left.
Chicken coop for 30 chickens:
Price: 20,000 €
Daily maintenance: 10 €
The large cowshed now holds 200 cows.
Fixed seasons mask
Roof overhangs extended on the gable ends (adapted to the Bavarian style)
Newly added building:
Feed barn with Garage for storing:
Pig feed, straw, grass, hay, silage, chopped material and
Mixed ration
All buildings in brick look
New deco in the cow sheds
Fixed seasons mask Feed Barn