LS22 AIO Multilager 3.000.000l v1.0.0.0
LS22 AIO Multilager 3.000.000l v1.0.0.0
AIO Multilager Farma 5M ChaosDad1418 Edit
The AIO Multilager Farma5M ChaosDad1418 Edit
The following has been changed so far:
A multi-store for:
wheat, barley, oats, canola, sorghum millet, olives, sunflowers, soybeans, corn, potatoes, sugar beets, sugar beet pulp, sugar cane
seed, mixed ration, forage, chaff, wood chips, silage, grass, hay, straw
Snow, road salt, lime, pig feed, mineral fertilizer, stones, mineral feed, manure
Fruit storage is automatically adjusted to the map!
Per fruit type, etc capacity: 5,000.000Liter
This mod is 100% MPUGGABLE!!!
The mod has been tested!!!
LOG completely INCREDIBLE !!!!!