LS22 BioPlastics Factory V1.0.0.0
LS22 BioPlastics Factory V1.0.0.0
Here is a Bioplastics factory, which mixes old building and new technology. You can transform your harvests into biosourced plastic: polylactic acid (PAL), polyethylene (PE), polyurethanes (PUR), cellulose acetate (CA).
Dimension: 40x25m
Price: $100.000
Maintenance: $100 /day
Each component has 100,000 liters of storage
Production of Polylactic Acid
Input: 4 corn – Output: 1 polylactic acid
Input: 5 potatoes – Output: 1 polylactic acid
Input: 4 wheat – Output: 1 polylactic acid
Production of Polyethylene
Input: 6 sugar cane – Output: 2 Polyethylene
Production of Cellulose Acetate
Input: 10 wood chips – Output: 3 Cellulose Acetate
Input: 10 cotton – Output: 6 Cellulose Acetate
Production of Polyurethane
Input: 3 soybeans – Output: 1 Polyurethane
Input: 4 rapeseed – Output: 1 Polyurethane