LS22 CAT 3406 Sound Mod v1.0.0.0

LS22 CAT 3406 Sound Mod v1.0.0.0
To install make sure the files are in the correct folder and replace any lines related to motors in your sound xml with the following:
<motor template=”engineLarge” file=”sounds/cat3406_loop.gls” volumeScale=”2″ linkNodeOffset=”0 2 2.0″/>
<motor template=”indoorCabinRumble” />
<retarder file=”sounds/turbo_loop.gls” linkNode=”0>” innerRadius=”23.0″ outerRadius=”90.0″ pitchScale=”1″>>
<volume indoor=”0.5″ outdoor=”1″ >
<modifier type=”MOTOR_LOAD” value=”-0.00″ modifiedValue=”0.0″ />
<modifier type=”MOTOR_LOAD” value=”0.00″ modifiedValue=”0.0″ />
<modifier type=”MOTOR_LOAD” value=”0.25″ modifiedValue=”0.1″ />
<modifier type=”MOTOR_LOAD” value=”0.70″ modifiedValue=”0.25″ />
<modifier type=”MOTOR_LOAD” value=”1.00″ modifiedValue=”0.65″ />
<modifier type=”MOTOR_RPM_REAL” value=”500″ modifiedValue=”0.50″ />
<modifier type=”MOTOR_RPM_REAL” value=”1000″ modifiedValue=”1.0″ />
<lowpassGain indoor=”0.7″ outdoor=”1″/>