LS22 Dragon’s Den Production Extension v1.7.0.0

LS22 Dragon’s Den Production Extension v1.7.0.0
Added Soybean Oil, Carp, Catfish, Pike, Fish Feed, Broccoli, Pineberry, Cheesecake, Chocolate Cheesecake, Blackberry Danish, Fish Sticks, French Toast, Cinnamon, Macaroni & Cheese, Chicken Alfredo, Maple Candy, Potato Wedges, Peanut Butter, and Salsa.
Added sugar from maple sap
Added Straw bale trigger to cow Barn.
Added DD Fish Farm, DD saw Mill
Make a backup of your game save before updating the mod
Note: If you use the upgrade Factory mod you must delete the Greenhouse, Greenhouse Hoop, and Orchard before updating to 1.7, or else you will get a game-crashing error.