LS22 Fruch Devices Expansion Pack v1.0.0.4

LS 22 Other
LS22 Fruch Devices Expansion Pack v1.0.0.4

This means that 2 new types of fruit have been added to the game and some new and adapted devices have been added, including color selection and around 4 more buildings.

I forgot to add one more thing in modDesc and adjust something else and the link has changed again

This is my fruit expansion pack which is needed for certain devices or vehicles or for productions
This pack will be gradually expanded as I can or if I’m missing something suitable for it

Currently required mods from Modding by GamingMix:
Should already be in the pack itself

Current fruits:
– Soy milk
– Compost

– Added another type of fruit to compost
– And sound and etc… was also adjusted a bit

– Many new devices have been added
– Added large color selection
– Production has been added

– Small adjustments and changes were made

This is a Fruch Devices expansion pack
That means there are 2 new types of fruit in the game
Compost and soy milk
came to this
and a few more devices that are new and adapted
were including color selection
and about 4 more buildings were added


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