LS22 Galgenberg 2.0 Map v2.0.0.2

LS22 Galgenberg 2.0 Map v2.0.0.2
Welcome to Kirchen, a district of the large district town of Ehingen Donau, on the edge of the Schwäbische Alb.
The map is based on the scenic depiction of the place, with an original replica of a main courtyard and the course of the streets.
NOTE: This update will NOT require a new savegame.
White window fix mill
Extra milk container with unloading station for cheese production at the farm
Clover and lucerne silage bales can be sold at Landhandel
Fixed roads black (consoles)
Simplification of feeding the interior of the stable Hof1
Yard heating wood chip tarpaulin fix
various optical fixes
What awaits you on the map:
1 original replica of the largest farm on site
6 more playable courtyards
1 free place to build a farm
100 fields, meadows and forest areas where everyone gets their money’s worth,
Various outlets such as a country store,
small productions such as allotments or apple orchards,
small BGA
horse farm,
You can take water from the ponds or rivers,
Forests for the tree-hoppers among you are plentiful
Ready for precision farming
We wish you a lot of fun with the map
NOTE: This update will require a new savegame.
Road network completely recreated.
Corrected the alignment of the floor angles
Fixed apple orchard
Courtyard 2 and Courtyard 5 newly built
Deco vehicles eliminated
Country trade completely rebuilt
Various minor bugs fixed
Mill integrated
3 new types of fruit (Klee Alfalfa Rye)
Implemented leftover apples as additional feeding
Feed mixer and organic shop for courtyard 1
Walkable in fire
Integrated manure purchase / wood chip purchase
Added lime production at the gravel works
Added map selection for easy and difficult feeding
NOTE: This update will NOT require a new savegame.
Fixed sales points that cannot be unloaded
Fixed pallet spawn point mill
Colli fixed to mill
Cheese is made from milk (cheese production)
Various optical fixes
Fixed roads black (consoles)
Adjustment feeding foo+