LS22 John Deere All In One Multifruit V1.0.1.0
LS22 John Deere All In One Multifruit V1.0.1.0
This is the very first mod I have ever made. This pack includes a heavily modified version of the John Deere X9_1100 with multifruit capabilities and color options (supported fruit types: Wheat, Barley, Oat, Canola, Soybeans, Sorgum, Corn, Sunflower, Cotton And Sugarcane! Plenty of expansions are available ranging from 80,000L- 500,000L. The header included in the pack is the John Deere HD50F with added capabilities of harvesting Corn, Sunflowers, Cotton, and Sugarcane. Working speed of 12MPH (20 KPH). There is a small error when harvesting sugarcane. I believe it’s due to a missing particle effect. I’m looking into it. If anyone has any suggestions or ways to make this better please feel free to let me know! Enjoy!