LS22 La Plaine des Cultivateurs v1.1.0.0

LS 22 Maps
LS22 La Plaine des Cultivateurs v1.1.0.0

We offer you our creation with SwissJim.

Adjustment of shoulders and terraforming in fields
Fixed a building where the collision was missing
Correction of the large farm silo or the display of liters not being displayed in the game menu

This map offers you 2 farms:
The small farm with calves and a curable stable
La Grande Ferme offers you a Large shed as well as all the animals. (Cows and pigs are curable)
There is a Cuma
14 sales points
The train is functional
3 small garden
82 fields
1 cow pasture
1 sheep pasture
1 slaughterhouse
1 cheese factory
3 placeable areas
1 livestock trader

There are bulls, calves, heifers, lamb, ewe, rams, kids, goats, billy goats, piglets, fattening, sow, chick, duckling, duck.
In additional cultivation, you have onion, carrot, clover, alfalfa.

With SwissJim we would like to particularly thank Vincent, Jeremy and Ludo.
This card we made comes straight from our imagination and I hope you enjoy it.

franchou Swiss Jim vincent le paysan jeremy16du80 LBN43

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