LS22 Landersum Map v1.2.0.1

LS 22 Maps
LS22 Landersum Map v1.2.0.1

Welcome to Landersum, Welcome to Münsterland!

Increased modDesc version
Fixed terrainShader

The Münsterland with its districts of Steinfurt, Warendorf, Coesfeld and Borken as well as the independent city of Münster is an area shaped by agriculture. In large parts of the Münsterland, the typical Münsterland park landscape with its often small-scale agricultural structures has been preserved to this day. The Münsterland is characterized in large parts by arable farming. A total of 305,000 hectares of land are used for arable farming. This corresponds to 86 percent of the total agriculturally used area.
In addition, with its dairy, beef and pork production, Münsterland is one of the most efficient processing regions on earth.

Quadruple map
241 fields
255 farmlands
1.226 ha total field area
5.02ha average field size
14 farms
2 biogas plants
Realistic seed usage
Realistic yields
Increased fruit density
Mutli terrain angle
Adjusted Precision Farming values
Extended stubble desctruction

Initial ModHub Release

Fixed farmIDs for default placeables
Fixed growth for grapes and olives
Fixed farmstorage placement and sounds
Fixed PDA typo
Fixed farmlands
Fixed mulching
Removed superfluous scripts
Removed some deco objects from Hessling farm
Removed predefined farms from MP
Added paintable grass
Added vehicle selling trigger to vehicle shop
Increased modDesc version


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