LS22 Papenburg Map V1.0.0.1

LS 22 Maps
LS22 Papenburg Map V1.0.0.1

90% of the hedges are out and are being replaced by bushes. but is not finished yet
Helper splines on the bridges (a few are also missing)
All old trees replaced by new ones. it may be that some are floating.
Shader replaced or adapted to a new update

4 Specialist map with regional reproduction of a part from Papenburg
Jo mai, do we have Christmas already?
Jimkerk Presents
Papenburg Map
Here I am providing you with my Papenburg map. It is not quite final yet. But when is a map ever.

4 fold map
96 fields of 1-87 hectares of arable land, grassland and forests
119 plots hectares price 25000 €
Over 200,000 trees
Extensive field and system of paths
Many open spaces for courtyards and production facilities
Basic supply at main sales points. Including Gereide mill, grain store, bakery, cheese dairy, dairy and sawmill
Not final yet !! Path system spines for car workers … free travel possible, but not yet perfected

I have not yet provided any start vehicles.
There will be updates from time to time over the next few weeks and months. So be patient.
There are small warnings but the map works perfectly and has been extensively tested. If anything is seen, please send me picture and coordinates with pn
Have fun


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