LS22 Peterbilt 359 v1.0.0.0
LS22 Peterbilt 359 v1.0.0.0
My parts, available for use with your released mods: Bullbar, stacks, Firestiks, pogo stick, pintle hitch, 5th wheel plate, fender guards, fender turn signals, headlights, wet kit, visors 2-4
Engine: CAT 3406 425-650, DD 8v92, 8v92TA, and 12v71
Wheels: 7 wheel configs
Sleeper: Yes, or no
Visor: Design 1-4
Back options: Rack, Wet kit, Rack + Wet kit
Front Options: Stock bumper, + Fender Guards, Drop Bumper, + Fender Guards, Bullbar, + Fender guards
Beacons: Single, double, slow rotation
Stacks: Stock, 8in: Bullhauler, Flat, Miter Cut 6in: Bullhauler, Flat, + Flaps, Miter
Farm Logos: I have all of the members of my server in here. You can edit the DDS files to put your own logos in
Fenders: Quarter, + Mudflaps, Half, + Mudflaps
Decals: Designs 1-3
Marker Lights: Standard, Lit Up
CB Antennas: Stock, Firestiks
Design Materials:
Hub Color: For coloring the inner rim of Daytons All
Cabin Color: Main Color of truck
Two Tone Color: Color of top and bottom of truck
Chassis Color: Color of running gear and frame
Visor Color: Color of Visor
Metal Elements Color: Color of metal parts
Interior Color: Color of interior parts
Rim Color: Color of Rims
Decal Color 1: Primary color of decals
Decal Color 2: Trim color of decals
License Plate: In game License Plate options.