LS22 Peugeot 205 Turbo 1984 V1.1.0.0

LS 22 Cars
LS22 Peugeot 205 Turbo 1984 V1.1.0.0

Changelog V1.1.0.0
Fixed Animation Sound Schemes
Changed Acceleration Behavior
Fixed Main Collision Mask
Fixed Folliage Bending
Added Mipmaps
Added Stripes Configuration
Added Stripes Color Configuration
Added Passenger Seats (Kubota DLC Required)

 Added SimpleIC:
2 Doors
2 Windows

Price: 42000
Max Speed: 209 KMH
All Wheel Drive
Fully Animated Manual Driving
Animated Interior

Body Color Configuration
Rims Color Configuration
Glass Tint Configuration
Glass Color Configuration
Front Configuration: 4 Configurations
Rear Configuration: 3 Configurations
Body Setup Configuration: 2 Configurations
Wings Configuration: 4 Configurations
Hood Light Configuration: 2 Configurations
Hitch Configuration

2 Doors
2 Windows

Daz .Watts
Ferraridriver 488
Max Landon
Cristiano emanu costa
Lucas Etzler
Vaidas Drulia
Brian O’Michelin
Nathan Hamilton
Michael Grant Graves
B Whalen

My GameSteam

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