LS22 Placeable Storage Tanks Pack v1.2.0.0
LS22 Placeable Storage Tanks Pack v1.2.0.0
Placeable pack of containers that are able to store water, solid fert, and liquid fert!
Added liquid fert and solid fert tanks
New Mod Icon to compensate for new objects in the pack
Placement adjustments
Texture Improvements
Improved store image and mod icons
Reduced cost to fill tankers
Increased overall object price to compensate for the reduction in fill price.
Improved object placement
Water Tank
– Cost: £17,500
– Daily Upkeep: £5
Solid Fert Tank
– Cost: £20,000
– Daily Upkeep: £10
Liquid Fert Tank
– Cost: £22,500
– Daily Upkeep: £15