LS22 Powerscreen Kalkfertiger Pack v1.0.0.0
LS22 Powerscreen Kalkfertiger Pack v1.0.0.0
What can the lime finishers or beet shredders do?
Everything that a lime finisher or beet slicer should be able to do, i.e. produce lime from stones and turnips into beet slices
Stone to Lime
Powerscreen Maxtrak – Powerscreen Warrior Kalkmaster 3000 (Limemaster) – Bodywork with Maya 3d program
Various new parts created
Conveyor belts revised, new filling tarpaulins, new decals, and much more.
You can use the self-propelled machines to produce lime from stones, or from beets to make beet shreds.
A screening plant and a crushing plant for deep or road construction or for the quarry.
They have been repurposed and adapted to our needs.