LS22 Trioliet U-165 silagecutter v1.0.0.0
LS22 Trioliet U-165 silagecutter v1.0.0.0
This is the Trioliet U165 silo block cutter.
Today we (PrivatPrivat and Micha3615) present the Trioliet U 165 silo block cutter.
In FS 19 the mod came from the guys from LS Pitstop.
The textures have been completely renewed. The silo block cutter was brought to FS22 standard.
A big thank-you goes to Ernstl and to TheMaiky1989 for the release.
Other big thanks go to the team for the support and to the testers.
The mod (Trioliet U165 silo block cutter) may only be distributed with the original DL link!