LS22 VehicleInspector v1.96 Beta

LS22 VehicleInspector v1.96 Beta
The VehicleInspector is designed to give you a quick overview of your vehicles. What are they doing/what do they have loaded/which ones are active, etc.?
Implement Setting Line 3x new Icons(leasing, GPS is found, parking is found)
New view GPS Icon/Text (optional On/Off… in Gui Menue *see Txt*) default On *needs GPS Mod
Needs AD Version!
New view Helper Remaining Time CP/AD (optional State On/Off … in Gui Menue *see Txt*) default Off (user Wunsch)
Set AD Remaining Timer over AD Setting Menue! THX AD Team, for VI Support
+ 2 Cmd and 2 Color Icons for MultiOverlayHud (Cmd Group VehicleInspector-Others) view Hidden …. On/Off (not set AD/CP State, set only Visible On/Off)
+ optional TextColor (…XML …color.remainingString)
+ optional Separator 00:00 (…XML.. text.remainingTimeSeparator)
New view Helper RemainingTime Waypoints CP/AD (optional State On/Off in Gui Menue *see Txt*) default Off (user wunsch) !AD Waypoints MP is not active!
+ optional Text Waypoints |21w (…XML.. text.remainingWaypoints/remainingTimeWaypointsSeparator)
Needs AD Version!
New Vehicle Blinking is Helper Job End (optional 0=Off or 1-60 sec in Gui Menue *see Warnings*) default 20sec (user wunsch)
new Setting Line Icons and CS (SortCategory) for isLeasing,isGps,isParking Vehicles
fix Setting Line train/car Icon On/Off
fix Leasing Icon for IconDisplay (overlap with Controlled Name)
fix isParking Icon for IconDisplay (was not visible) *needs view Vehicle isParking true*
fix MP Bug Error …../Motorized.lua(2240) : attempt to index field ‘consumersByFillType’ (a nil value) *to buy new Vehicle*
fix XML Load setMasterOrder/setOrderVehicle/setOrderFillLevelInformation
fix/New Widescreen IconDisplay – set optional correction Value (…XML…otherValues.iconWidescreenFix) default 0 *for 34 Zoll set 0.300 and testing or…*
fix/New Widescreen Gui Menue – set optional correction Value (modsSettings/hlGuiMenue.xml …iconWidescreenFix) default 0 *for 34 Zoll set 0.300 and testing or…*
In multiplayer and single-player play.
MultiOverlayV4 Hud Ready
ATTENTION! Some vehicle mods are not supported
Features: InGame Settings Menü. Alles Optional Einstellbar. Join Vehicle mit Click auf ein Fahrzeug in der Anzeige wenn du die Maus aktiverst hast. etc
View LS 22 KeySettings for MouseCursor On/Off (Default *F12* for all my mods) here.
Not everything works and not everything is unlocked!
The variety of vehicles, trailers, etc. Makes it impossible to test everything and every constellation. That’s why BETA and that’s why a modder needs bug reports.
BugList for Current Version: Fix (next Version) Check Not Reproducible Info
No more, no less
And if you don’t like it, you should just not load it
1. Release with the original download link only. NO substitute link
2. Modifying as well as re-uploading is not allowed