LS25 Bednar Combo System CS 5000 v1.1.0.0

LS25 Bednar Combo System CS 5000 v1.1.0.0
The Bednar CS5000 Multi is a multi-crop direct seed drill. It can sow all crops, including potatoes and poplars.
– The color of the seed drill now retains its color at a distance.
– Fertilizing now works in all configurations.
– The dirt animation that suddenly appeared on the markers in transport mode and during seeding has been fixed.
In all my tests over the past few days, the dirt animation has not appeared again.
The seed drill is also equipped with a roller and subsoiler function; a combination of both is also possible. The seed drill bar has two hoppers, one for seed and one for fertilizer.
The installed script was created by Achimobil; I thank them for allowing me to use the script.
Suitable for multiplayer: Yes
Technical specifications:
Bednar CORSA CN 9000 Direct Drill – Multi-crop
– Shop category: Seeding technology
– Price: €45,000
– Required power: 225 HP
– Working width: 9 m
– Working speed: 15 km/h
– Color configuration
Bednar CS 5000
– Shop category: Seeding technology
– Price: €55,000
– Seed capacity: 6800 L
– Fertilizer capacity: 3000 L
– Color configuration
Note: In configurations with a subsoiler, stones may appear if “Stone Picking” is enabled in the settings; this cannot be fixed.
If “Stone Picking” is disabled, no stones appear.
The built-in script registers potatoes in all vegetable planters and poplars in all precision seeders.
ONLY the standard seeds are needed for sowing potatoes and poplars, as they are also needed for all other crops.
Note: I have tested everything several times; the helper works.