LS25 Fed Production Pack V1.5.0.0

LS 25 Packs
LS25 Fed Production Pack V1.5.0.0

2 Digester: In the digester, silage is produced from grass and/or chopped material with the help of silage additives. In the small fermenter, silage is only produced from loose grass and/or chopped material with the help of silage additives. Production per hour: 2000 liters each, capacity 0.4 million Warninginfo Bale trigger in the log can only be fixed after Giants Editor release

2 Tank trailers: These tank trailers have more capacity and can also transport diesel, silage additives and methane.

Silage pallet: More capacity and cheaper than the standard pallet

Fed Production Pack 1.5.
– New flour mill producing wheat flour, spelt flour, rye flour, and rice flour, as well as bran by-products
– New pulp mill producing paper, cardboard, toilet paper, and insulation 239
– New dairy producing milk, goat’s milk, buffalo milk, cream, yogurt, curd, and butter
– New sewage treatment plant producing water and compost, processing wastewater, digestate, and manure
– New separator producing manure, herbicides, and wastewater from digestate or manure
– New lime works producing lime from stones, gravel, shells, and water
– New bakery producing bread, rolls, baked goods, and cakes
– Floating pallet at the sawmill moved
– Power hall with medium pitch roof: decorative objects no longer flicker
– Board pallets, wooden beam pallets, and long board pallets now also have a 5,000-liter capacity

Production pack
– raw format fixed
– Lumberjack now works at full speed for every production line
– Unloading pipe texture fixed at sawmill and composter
– Diesel trigger slightly enlarged at composter
– Fermenter, lumberjack, composter, sawmill and workshop are no longer displayed as sales stations in the price menu
– Particle animation of composter extended
– Trailer name color fixed in shop
– Small wind turbine can now be placed better
– Placement height of refinery improved
– Sawmill can now also accept wood chip pallets
– Decorative items in power hall big with garage moved accordingly

Preview Fed Production Pack 1.4
– New composter production (compost can be made from grass, alfalfa, straw, chopped material, legume straw)
– New seed production production with seed production from wheat, rye, triticale, corn or field beans
– 4 new electricity producing halls for the farm design
– 2 new PV field systems for electricity production
– 3 biogas plants completed
– New drilling rig production for the production of crude oil and methane
– New refinery production for the production of diesel from rapeseed, sunflowers and crude oil
– Fertilizer production expanded to include fertilizer production from compost
– Collision added to the diesel tank and other objects in the workshop

Version 1.3
– Both fermenters expanded to include a new production line with alfalfa
– Hay drying expanded to include alfalfa / alfalfa hay
– Spanish translation added
– Collision and bale trigger changed on the large fermenter

Production Pack
– Fixed bardage_ Texture bug in fertilizer production
– Changed fertilizer production lamps
– Updated English translation

– New production fertilizer production
– New production lumberjack with production of log pallets
– New production wind turbine for storm production
– New production small wind turbine for electricity production
– Pallet collisions changed accordingly
– Drive-through halls can now be placed at a 5 degree angle
– Goat milk added as another fill type for the liquid trailers.
– Workshop and sawmill now have full maintenance upon purchase

V1.1.0.1 fix
– Unnecessary Windows file Desktop.ini deleted
– Silage additive pallets can be purchased again
– Hay drying no longer has the info text from the fermenter

Production Pack 1.1
New or changed
– New XXL production sawmill with production of boards, planks, wooden beams, OSB boards, chipboard, empty pallets, bark mulch and wood chips
– New production hay drying
– Workshop for the production of maintenance
– 4 pent roof halls for electricity production
– 2 drive-through halls for electricity production
– The two liquid trailers can now also transport liquid manure and fermentation residues
– The small fermenter now also accepts bales

– Fermenter now has collision

New or changed
– Added another option to the Bredal lime spreader with a little more capacity (25,000L) for lime/fertilizer
– The normal transfer wagons in the shop can now also load/transfer lime
– Added Mks 8 trailer tank size configuration (8,000, 15,000, or 25,000 liters)
– Added Mks 32 trailer tank size configuration (32,000, 50,000, or 80,000 liters)

– Fixed an error in the English translation

In the small fermenter, silage is only produced from loose grass and/or chopped material with the help of silage additives. Production per hour: 2000 liters each, capacity 0.4 million Warninginfo Bale trigger in the log can only be fixed after Giants Editor release


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