Man LKW mit Pritsche und Plane v1.1.1 Truck
Man LKW mit Pritsche und Plane v1.1.1 Truck
This is a man truck pack with flatbed and tarpaulin.
There are 3 configurations.
1. With Easy Autoload XXS (pallet must be lifted over the bed)
2. With Easy Autoload
3. Bulk goods are displayed as visual pallets.
It needs the Mod Eays Autoload.
The Mod pallet fork XXS is recommended.
For the tree trunk transport is my forestry Autoload package that works flawlessly.
If you Lua error gets look in the log for the following entry, Valid easyAutoLoad vehicleTypes,
This entry tells you which of your Autoload Mods need to be updated or which are incompatible
Yes I know that it is not true to the original, but I have, with the currently available knowledge in modding,
my best done that it looks reasonably good.