Mod Fieldmountain2 v1.1.7.1

LS 19 Maps
Mod Fieldmountain2 v1.1.7.1

Based on Södra-Roslagen, Sweden.
-Alot of optimization since latest update
-“Maize plus” support (added tiplayers)
-3 extra crops
-“Hidden vehicles” around map. Find them, sell them or use them, your choice.
-Custom soilmap based on real data.
-You have to buy the land to get access to the animals, buildings and vehicles on that landplot.
-Some sellpoints do have opening hours 7-17.
-Custom Lightning, weather, rain, real night darkness.
-Custom traffic, higher speed, better collisions so you dont get hit by them.
-14 Mission fields with various sizes/shapes/crops.
-17 Other fields with variation.
-Transport missions.
-All animal types are placed on the map from the beginning but you have to buy the land to get access to them.
-3 additional crop types.
-Various forestry with alot of trees.
-Many build-in placeable buildings, see brand ”Fieldmountain” and ”Lizard”.
-Removeable rocks from field-islands. They are also buyable in the shop for ”i dont know use” maybe you know!
-Placeable ”Snowmarkers” so you know where the roads are when it’s alot of snow.
-Many paths for horses to ride on.
-Working Lighthouse.
-Seasons optimized with 2 snowmissions and seasonal textures, build in geo.
-Grazing area for cows so you can move them outdoors in summer.
-Be aware; the map is realistic with Swedish signs and names, and right hand traffic.
-Can you earn 10 000 000:– on this map without cheating?


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