Mod Somerset Farms v1.1.1

LS 19 Maps
Mod Somerset Farms v1.1.1

Somerset farms, which is based on various places around uk.

Changelog version 1.1.1
-Added new silage shed to main farm
-You can now place a sleep trigger
-Added lights to sheds
-Removed collisions from hedges
-No longer lags around stone walls
-Added another sheep pasture
-Changed modesc to 53
-Removed collisions from cats eyes in road

Changelog version 1.1.0
-1 Now seasons working
-2 Moved chickens
-3 Fixed shop icon
-4 Fixed few details around the map
-5 Moved water tank to cow yard
-6 Put gate on field 33
-7 Field missions and grass missions

– This map includes all Farming Simulator 19 features
– All animals are built into as placeables
– Please check before taking models from map as Lancyboi made few of them and need permission to use them
– Full season support with grazing
– Custom lighting
– Animated objects
– Custom soil textures, distance, grass, ground textures
– Cow farm , Pig farm , Sheep farm , Horses , Chicken farm
– Two selling points, a biogas plant, a sawmill, a dairy, an egg selling point, …
– Over 30 fields; small / medium / large
– Custom transport missions and field missions
– Supports “FPSDistance” mod
– Please ask before using any of the models that on this map

I Hope you all like this map.

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