Object Forgotten Plants – Farmpack v1.1.2
Object Forgotten Plants – Farmpack v1.1.2
25 placeable buildings, halls, shelters, cowsheds, pigsties, BGA and workshops with lights and gates
New textures for:
– 2x cowsheds
– 2x pigsties
– 1x BGA
– 3x manure places
I have here for you the building pack v1.1.2 of Lunchbox with new textures.
We agreed that we would upload separate packs so you could decide if you wanted to have the packs in your modfolder either individually or individually.
New textures for:
– 6x silage silos
– 4x bulk pay
– Seed storage / fertilizer storage and grain silo
– 1x BGA (AgriKomp 75kW system)
– 2x pigsties
– 2x cowsheds
– 3x manure places
As soon as Lunchbox makes an update, I will try to offer new textures as soon as possible.