Volvo A40G FS v1.0 Truck
Volvo A40G FS v1.0 Truck
-Base Price: 350,000
-Diesel Capacity: 480 Litres, DEF Capacity: 39 Litres
-Speed: 57KM/H, Reverse Speed: 18KM/H
-Engine Options: 476HP – 700HP
-Tire Options: Choice of three types
-Wheel Hub Options: Choice of two rim types
-Mud Flap Options: Fixed or Dynamic
-Tailgate Options: Tailgate or No Tailgate
-Beacon Light Options: Choice of three beacon light designs
-Dumper Capacity Options: 50,000 / 100,000 / 250,000 / 500,000 / 2,0000,000 Litres
-Light Configurations Options: Choice of three different configurations to illuminate your vehicle when driving at night time
-2 Working Indoor Screen: Infotainment / Bed Capacity (use “l-ctrl + a” ; “l-ctrl + q” to switch between the 2 screens)(“r-ctrl + r-shift” To Zoom Camera View)
-Full Animated Engine
-Full Animated Interior
-Dynamic Suspension
Simple IC includes:
-Seat Handle
-Turn On Vehicle
-Side Mirrors
-Interior Lights